Benefits of Regular Reflexology Treatments

From my own experience of regular Reflexology treatments benefits I noticed included:

  • Improved sleep
  • Improved eyesight – I wore my glasses a lot less
  • Reduced and released chronic pain
  • Improved mood
  • Turned around negative and dominant vibration of fear to positive and divine love vibration
  • Re connection to myself – body, mind & spirit

Benefits others, including Reflexology colleagues and clients include:

  • Pain release
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased circulation – reduction of varicose veins and avoid surgery
  • Increased circulation – increased recovery from bruising
  • Raising awareness of emotional impact on the physical body
  • Relaxing including learning what relaxing was!
  • An avenue to work through personal challenges – current and past
  • Feeling lighter – a pathway to enlightenment
  • Feeling more stable and grounded

Suppressed emotions are held deep inside the body and it’s a gradual process to work through them.

Regular sessions with me assist you to work through those deep seated emotions. This happens during treatment by way of talking out what comes up through the session or as the energy is moves from the body and/or can occur in the after effects of the treatment. For example in a deeper sleep, the sub conscious may process what it needs to, which the Reflexology treatment can invoke.

I look forward to seeing you at your next session at Heel to Heal.

Many Blessings