The detox topic is complex when we consider just how much exposure we have to toxins in our environment. Detox with Reflexology is an overview with suggestions and references to explore further.
The toxic load on the body is multi layered from food we eat, to cleaning products used, poisons used in gardening and personal hygiene products. Exposure to some toxins is out of our control. In the community and workplaces, this can be frustrating, depressing and aggravating when surrounded by ignorance of those who don’t want to know, listen or care.
Safety data sheets on chemicals are accessible by everyone with access to a google search. These clearly state the risks, dangers and harmful affects of chemicals. The onus of responsibility is on the consumer. I encourage you to do a search with the list below. You’ll see things like ‘cause skin irritation’ which can be linked to skin conditions like dermatitis or psoriasis (skin rashes).
In this article, a toxin is a chemical, molecule or particle which is detrimental and harmful to the body (human and animals) contributing to illness and sickness.
From a variety of sources, it is evident that many toxins layered in the body harmfully affect organs such as the kidneys and liver (the filtering organs). Toxins can affect the gut biome, disrupt the endocrine system leading to endometriosis, Fertility issues, PMT and Thyroid conditions; and cause a range of neurological disorders.
A good place to start is, identify where the toxins are entering your body. Another common entry point of toxins into our body is from personal hygiene products. To assist you, you may begin by checking labels on food and personal care products including soap, toothpaste shampoo, conditioner, make up, moisturiser, sunscreen, deodorant and perfume. If you buy your household cleaning products, or influence their purchase, then this is the next step.
Here is a list for your convenience, from A Mind of Your Own by Kelly Brogan, MD., to help you to begin checking labels on your ‘food’ contents and personal care products.
‘It is recommended to avoid the following ingredients in products as they are potential Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals:
• Triclosan and triclocarban (found in some antibacterial hand soaps and toothpastes)
• Formaldehyde and formalin (nail products)
• Toluene and dibutyl phthalate (DBP; nail polish)
• TEA (triethanolamine)
• Fragrance and parfum
• Parabens (methyl – , propyl – , isopropyl – , butyl – , and isobutyl – )
• PEG/ceteareth/polyethylene glycol
• Diethyl phthalate
• Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) and ammonium lauryl sulfate (ALS)
• Aluminium chlorohydrate (deodorants) ’
I suggest, the best way to act is to begin with what you can control, and that is with what you put in your body, food and personal hygiene products. If you purchase your household cleaning products or influence them, then this is the next step.
At Heel to Heal, from time to time, we have wellness workshops which may be free to attend. At these you may learn to about personal hygiene products and household cleaning products, food/cooking, physical movement, mental wellbeing, and energetic tools, offering alternative solutions which aid your wellness and overall feeling of wellbeing. For notification of these events like or follow Heel to Heal fb page
If you maintain the habits which expose yourself to toxins, doing fad diets and detox regimes are short term relief. This is another way to unconsciously abuse your body while tricking yourself into believing you are doing the right thing. This maintains the action of self hate and abuse of your body. Your body deserves to be treated with constant respect, love and care. When you embark on the process of detoxing, I recommend to consciously develop new habits to embrace a life-long lifestyle of wellness. Detox with reflexology has a wonderful side effect of raising awareness of the body-mind-soul connection and enables you to embark on forming new habits consciously.
When you are embracing new ways of being through learning about toxins you are exposed to and choosing a healthier way, detox with reflexology at Heel to Heal can be another layer and an act of self love as well as the treatment supporting your body to remove toxins, stimulating your lymphatic system and adjust through the relaxing treatment.
If you are looking to get started straight away on introducing low tox into your lifestyle, you can explore the website for solutions and a great way to start is with the Nature’s Home Essentials Collection or Healthy Home Starter Bundle which you can purchase through Young – New start code Australia only.
For more specific information I recommend reading A Mind of Your Own by Kelly Brogan, MD who is a Wholistic Psychiatrist with scientific jargon, researched evidence and details specifically related to health conditions caused by chemicals. These include toxic chemicals which disrupt the endocrine system, impact neurological processes, create learning disabilities, contribute to depression, ADD, ADHD, and the behavioural impacts of fluoride, glyphosate and other chemicals. This book also contains an all inclusive 4 week detox program which I recommend doing alongside weekly reflexology treatments at Heel to Heal to further support you and your body.
I look forward to seeing you at your next session at Heel to Heal.
Many Blessings
Further reading suggestions
The Thyroid Connection, Amy Myers, MD
Hashimoto’s Protocol, Izabella Wentz, Pharm D & FASCP
Women’s Wellness Wisdom, Dr Libby Weaver
A Mind of Your Own, Kelly Brogan, MD
Gut Secrets – A Blueprint to your Microbiome and Your Health, Peter Dingle, PhD
The Deal for Happier, Healthier, Smarter Kids, Dr Peter Dingle
A Mind of Your Own by Kelly Brogan, MD, Thorsons, pg 206