My Water Journey and the Importance of Water on our health

My Water Journey and the Importance of Water on our health

We all know how refreshing, rejuvenating and rebalancing diving into the ocean is to our wellbeing. Fewer lucky ones, know how fabulous camping by a healthy running river is. Some remember how delicious rain water used to be.

My Water Journey

Years ago, I went through the process of researching water and it’s impacts on health. Moving from Melbourne to Perth in 2005, I noticed Perth’s water smelt of chlorine. I knew from childhood that chlorine wasn’t good for you, from being advised not to drink the pool water (because it was chlorinated) and to wash off the chlorine after swimming. This led me to discovering an overwhelming amount of information and sales pitches on a variety of water filtration options. The options included osmosis, whole house filtration, kitchen only filtration and shower filtration. All with varying costs and benefits to decide from what was going to work best for me.

Bottled Water (‘Plastic water’)

Working in the chemical industry, I learned first hand, that throughout the distribution process, bottled water is not required to be refrigerated. The quality of plastic of the bottles leaches a poison into the water at a warm temperature causing lung, heart & stomach issues. We all know how hot parts of this country gets, and bottled water is shipped from State to State before finding it’s way to the supermarket shelf.

Over the years I’ve learned about the toxic run offs of dangerous chemicals into our waterways like glyphosate, other pesticides and herbicides, the seemingly, well intentioned addition of fluoride to ‘strengthen’ our teeth and chlorine to kill nasty bacteria that can lead to illnesses, into our water. This is without management of the harmful side effects of these on our environment and health. At minimum, impacting our endocrine system, oral health, gut health and brain health.

My Flouride Journey

It took me hearing the message three times over 20 years, of the harmful impact of fluoride on our pineal gland, before I took action and swapped to fluoride free toothpaste. Within a month, I noticed my thinking was sharper. Since changing to fluoride free toothpaste, I have not had bleeding gums at my annual dental clean! I decline the fluoride at the end of the clean that the dentist offers. I encourage you not to delay and give yourself a month fluoride free to see how fluoride is impacting your body.

There is a vast amount of information on the pH of our bodies and affect on our wellness. The body’s pH is largely affected from the water we drink, the food we choose to consume and the impact of other chemicals in our environment (i.e. work, home, neighbourhood etc). Many of us are more acidic than in the healthy pH range. Impacting the health and composition of our gut microbiome. You can test your body’s pH with a kit from your Chemist using either urine or saliva.

Until APRIL 2023

I settled on a Brita jug and a shower filter! I’m excited to become a partner with zazen Alkaline Water.  Drinking zazen water, I’m happier and my hydration has levelled up, I feel more energised with increased stamina and confident to recommend and offer the system to you.

zazen Alkaline Water has been around since 2007. An organisation situated in Queensland and I feel fully aligned with everything I’ve learned over the past 25 years.

In short, the zazen Alkaline Water system has a 10 stage process, filtering out fluoride, chlorine, pesticides and herbicides and then mineralises the water. This system doesn’t just TAKE OUT what we don’t want in our bodies, IT PUTS THE GOOD STUFF back in!

You will get the opportunity to taste this water after your treatment at Heel to Heal.

For more detailed information on the zazen Alkaline water system contact Heel to Heal on [email protected].